Higher Education and Public School Retirement Plans
Including Michigan State University and The University of Michigan
As a public school, university, and college employee, your retirement assets and employer benefits can be some of the most important parts of your financial planning and future retirement income. Proactive management of these, as well other investments you hold, should all be taken into consideration as a whole to help ensure a financially independent standard of living in retirement.

We’ve had the pleasure of working with hundreds of employees over the past 18 years and our team is knowledgeable about your retirement plan options within all of the above institutions. We can also manage or advise you on your 401(a), 403(b), 457 plans as well as provide a pension analysis to individuals participating in a pension plan.
We offer:
Independent, objective, fiduciary guidance
Advice in an understandable and unintimidating manner
Over 18 years of investment experience
Ability to manage employer plans as well as
investments held at outside investment companies
MPSERS Pension Analysis